RT-Thread RTOS  1.0.0
An open source embedded real-time operating system
Error Code


#define RT_EOK   0
#define RT_ERROR   1
#define RT_ETIMEOUT   2
#define RT_EFULL   3
#define RT_EEMPTY   4
#define RT_ENOMEM   5
#define RT_ENOSYS   6
#define RT_EBUSY   7
#define RT_EIO   8

Detailed Description

The error code is defined to identify which kind of error occurs. When some bad things happen, the current thread's errno will be set. see _rt_errno

Define Documentation

#define RT_EOK   0

There is no error

#define RT_ERROR   1

A generic error happens

#define RT_ETIMEOUT   2

Timed out

#define RT_EFULL   3

The resource is full

#define RT_EEMPTY   4

The resource is empty

#define RT_ENOMEM   5

No memory

#define RT_ENOSYS   6

No system

#define RT_EBUSY   7


#define RT_EIO   8

IO error

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